Vince Leigh’s Single Review: Demon And The Angel by For Our Freedom

By Vince Leigh (Ex drummer of Pseudo Echo, Tina Arena and John Farnham) of Australian Radio Promotion for Sheldon Ang Media

In the kaleidoscopic realm of indie folk pop, Demon & The Angel, steered by Pete and Faye Flude, are more than mere blips on the radar. They are craftsmen in a genre that’s as fluid as it is fickle. Their musical voyage, spanning a hefty three decades, cuts across the grain from the earnest strums of UK folk to the buoyant beats of ska, the soulful cadences of funk, and the disciplined echoes of classical music. Their latest offerings, For Our Freedom and the album Demon & The Angel, are the fruits of this varied journey. Pete Flude’s musical trajectory is a lesson in genre fluidity. He’s traversed from the earthy roots of UK folk to the pulsating heart of ska, dipping into the deep well of funk and soul. His solo performances are less about showmanship and more about the nuanced articulation of a seasoned artist. Faye, with her classical training, doesn’t just add layers to their music; she weaves in a refined texture, her stint in music therapy lending a palpable empathy to their compositions.

Their journey isn’t all about studio albums and live gigs. The duo’s initiative in crafting a music program for disabled children is a significant chapter in their story, showcasing their belief in music as a tool for change. This is not just philanthropy; it’s musicianship with purpose. For Our Freedom, a brainchild of Pete in the aftermath of September 11th, has been revived from its dormant state. Today, it stands as more than a melody; it’s a reflection of resilience, a nod to the hope that persists even in our darkest times. Demon & The Angel’s melding of indie folk pop with their eclectic musical backgrounds results in a sound that’s both familiar and freshly spun. Their work acts as a conduit between the unpolished charm of 60s folk and the nuanced sensibilities of the contemporary indie scene. For Our Freedom and the album Demon & The Angel, represent a steadfast commitment to artistic integrity and a testimony to the resilience of the human spirit. Their music is a subtle reminder that sometimes, what we need is a dose of reality-laced optimism, and that’s precisely what Demon & The Angel bring to the table.