Vince Leigh’s Single Review: I Get Up and Run by Kayla Krystin

By Vince Leigh (Ex drummer of Pseudo Echo, Tina Arena and John Farnham) of Australian Radio Promotion for Sheldon Ang Media

In the great carousel of musical machinations, where the same three chords get recycled ad nauseam into something purporting to be new, along comes Kayla Krystin with I Get Up and Run, a track that doesn’t just stand up and walk but sprints straight into the ethos of 2024, set to drop on March 22. This isn’t your garden-variety earworm; it’s a clarion call to the wilds, a sonic boom in the silent void of the everyday humdrum. Krystin, already receiving attention on the airwaves with tracks that have seduced the likes of MTV, CMT, and even elbowed her way into the TOP 5 Charts of TAMWORTH 2TM, isn’t just playing footsie with the muse of music: she’s in a full-blown tango. I Get Up and Run is a concoction that’s part dancefloor banger, part introspective journey, brewed in the cauldron of contemporary country pop, yet laced with the indelible mark of Krystin’s potent vocals and cuttingly relatable lyrics.

The track itself? An anthem of liberation, a manifesto for the disenchanted, the soundtrack for anyone who’s ever wanted to kick the dust off their heels and chase the horizon. The chorus hooks you, a galvanizing shout in the dark against a backdrop of synth and steel string, proving that you can indeed marry the electronic with the organic without filing for divorce halfway through the track. Krystin isn’t just adding to her discography with I Get Up and Run; she’s staking her claim, planting a flag in a heavily populated territory of the music landscape, proving that even in an industry often choked by its own nostalgia, there’s room for fresh takes, something that pulsates with a pop urgency.

As March 22 approaches, take note. Kayla Krystin is more than just releasing a track with I Get Up and Run; she’s signalling a shift, offering an opportunity for listeners to engage. Consider this your cue to explore what she’s bringing to the table.